Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Challenges of Youth...

What are the challenges? Are the challenges facing youths of the current generation more difficult than those of our time or those of the past? YOUTH,PARENT- this is something to think about, Don't you agree??? Comparing my time of youth and today, youths today have many advantages because of our economic development; techonology produces electric tools and toys that some of us from the past only dreamed about. But youth today also faces unparalled challenges. Let's consider some of these challenges and at the same time, suggestions that will help our youths today. Challenge 1. Increased Isolation. Many youths don't have what we called" bestfriend" whom we can trust, share and discuss things comfortably. The Time Magazine, in 2006, reported that youth in America between ages of 8 and 18 spent, on average, six and a half hours a day with their eyes glued to the TV, theirs ears plugged with earphones, or hands on video games or computer keyboard. Now, there is nothing wrong with enjoying music or playing games but if that's what they only do then it can be damaging to their personality. Suggestion 1. Choose Association over Isolation. Try to interact with different people. Make it a goal to learn something new about that person. But be careful to whom you want to be associated with. Don't be shy. Just try, and you will see that the end result is beneficial to you. Challenge 2. Fractured Families. This is very common nowadays. As divorce rates continue to rise, more children are spending part of their childhood with a single parent. This is very hard for the children to cope. I, myself came from a broken family, but my parents separated when me and my siblings were all adults, to be exact, it happened 4 years ago , but still, it was difficult for me. The effect was not a joke, it was painful. How much more if it happens to our young ones? Parents, think a million times before jumping to getting a divorce. Think of your children's welfare and their interest. Suggestion 2. Develop Fellow Feeling for you Parents. You can't control whether your parents separate or not. But to some degree, you can control whether you allow such challenges to ruin your relationship with your parents. Be compassionate toward your parents by trying to understand the challenges they are facing too. Try to put yourself in their shoes and it can help you to keep your problem in a different perspective. Have an honest, open communication with you parents. Parents should do the same. Spend enough quality time with each other. To everyone, life is too short, it is time for us to show to our love ones how much they meant to us. Do it before it's too late...before regrets....before we say " I wish..."

1 comment:

  1. happy new year my friend, let we get success together in 2010
